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你是HR还是L&D领导希望在2023年及以后提升你的部门? 如果是这样,一个强大的视频策略应该是你计划的关键部分.

There are a multitude of software programs and tools that make life easier for human resources teams. 像人事管理软件这样的应用, 薪资自动化和人工智能招聘工具都有其优点. 然而, I’d argue that a next-generation enterprise video solution can be the most impactful addition for HR和L&D团队.

现在,你可能会对自己说: my department is already using video for our 培训 and onboarding needs. 这很公平,你是 88%的公司 deploying tools such as virtual classrooms, Webcasting and video broadcasting as a 培训 medium.

But the status quo video strategy isn’t enough to enhance the effectiveness of your content. 81%的学习型领导者正计划这样做 采用新的培训方法, 70% say their blend of 培训 delivery methods are changing and 73% plan to develop more custom content. 从你的内容中获得更多的ROI需要不断的调整.

观众们期待着一种类似netflix的体验, 培训, 午餐和学习以及福利评估.  Delivering video is a great starting point, but how are you improving the viewer experience? 为什么HR和L不能交货&D videos match the experience that viewers are getting with high-profile webinars, 全体会议和产品发布会?

人力百家乐软件和人力百家乐软件的世界&D视频内容正在发生变化. You can stay ahead of the curve by adopting a handful of video strategies that will help you efficiently deliver engaging content while driving ROI:


提供培训和福利内容是一项多管齐下的工作. You’re responsible for getting the right videos to the right segment of your workforce, in a way that’s easy for them to access — and you have to do so securely.

Not every employee will be able to access your video through your company’s Single Sign-On (SSO) process. 也许你得把L送过去&D video content to field workers or contractors who aren’t a part of your existing internal systems.

你需要有创意, using watermark overlays that deter unauthorized sharing of video and expirable links with password protection. Additionally, you can use analytics to ensure that the content remains in the right hands.


There’s a good chance you’re already using some form of viewer tracking to ensure that employees are engaging with the content you send them. Perhaps you could benefit from more robust analytics – ones that extend beyond the account level to see wider trends for Live and on-demand content.

深入挖掘与你的内容相关的全公司趋势. 哪种类型的视频最吸引人? 哪个最少? 一周中最受欢迎的现场活动是哪一天? 你是否应该避免某些特定的格式,并在赢家身上加倍下注? 分析甚至可能揭示你从未考虑过的见解.

HR and learning leaders need to be able to communicate the value of their 培训 and benefits video content. 理解用户数据是提高ROI的一个很好的开始.


一旦你收集了基于数据的见解, you can act confidently because you’ll know that your strategy is founded on viewer behavior trends. In 2023 and beyond, people are going to be viewing your content in a variety of ways. 满足观众的需求是很重要的.

也许你会发现你的大部分午餐 & 学习内容在组设置中使用. Meanwhile, on-the-job 培训 is most viewed on smartphones and tablets in the field. This 信息 can help you curate the right content format and style for your audience.


HR and learning leaders should never feel like they’re on a video content island. 如果你花钱买的软件能容纳, 交付和衡量您的所有内容, you should also have access to an external team that helps you achieve your video goals. It’s essential to work with a video delivery vendor that cares as much as you do about your business’s success.

首先要确定一个具有积极响应文化的合作伙伴. 一旦你找到了那个伴侣, don’t hesitate to consult with them early and often as you build out your video strategy. 他们的专业知识可以帮助你建立你的视频库, 向正确的群体传播材料, 并对您的内容管理进行分析驱动的改进.


Too many enterprises have content dispersed across multiple departments, without a single hub or database that houses all content for all business units. Nobody likes to have a running list of usernames and passwords for piecemeal video solutions.

一旦你精简了你部门的视频策略, 鼓励其他领导者也这样做是很重要的. When your entire company has digitized and organized its video library on a single platform, 您将能够轻松地将观众导航到您的内容. 这可以防止混淆,并帮助你的人力百家乐软件视频发挥最大的影响力. 

HR and learning leaders have the potential to set the tone for their company’s video culture. 新员工培训, 培训 and benefits videos are often the first content that new hires interact with at your company. Making that content as engaging as possible plays an important role in setting up employees for success.

视频没必要让人头疼. 数据驱动的决策, 贴心的视频传递, 还有合适的合作伙伴的帮助, HR和L&D组将成立视频成功.

詹姆斯Broberg是StreamShark的创始人兼首席执行官, an end-to-end Live and On-demand video streaming platform for enterprises. 在StreamShark出现之前, James was a research fellow in content delivery networks and cloud computing at the University of Melbourne.

[编者注:这是来自 StreamShark. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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Digitization Has Increased the Scope of Online Video Platforms in Businesses and Education

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